September 8, 2023

MGA Revokes Tipster’s Licence

The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has taken decisive action against Tipster Limited, revoking its licence. This decision comes on the heels of the MGA’s suspension of Tipster’s licences in July, primarily due to the company’s ongoing liquidation proceedings. Following the cancellation, Tipster is mandated to inform its players about the termination of its licence and […]

June 24, 2023

GGL Revokes Tipster’s Sports Betting License in Germany

After filing for bankruptcy, Tipster’s sports betting license has been revoked by Germany’s GGL. In April, Tipster gained attention when it was subjected to a large-scale police raid as part of a global investigation into illegal gambling, money laundering, and tax evasion. Upon conducting a regulatory inspection, the German gambling regulator determined that Tipster no […]

June 2, 2023

Tipster insolvency intensifies with the appointment of an Administrator

The insolvency proceedings at Tipster Ltd are advancing as lawyer Dr. Jörg Gollnick takes on the role of provisional insolvency administrator for the troubled operator. Dr. Jörg Gollnick, employed at Cologne-based law firm Heidland Werres Diederichs Rechtsanwälte, serves as the provisional insolvency administrator not only for Tipster Ltd but also for Tipster Service GmbH, a […]

April 24, 2023

German law enforcement officers forcefully enter the offices of Tipster, a sports betting operator licensed by MGA

As per a report from German newspaper Bild, authorities in Germany have conducted a large-scale raid on Tipster, a sports betting operator licensed by MGA. A coordinated operation involving over 1,000 officers from the North Rhine-Westphalia riot police and criminal investigation department simultaneously conducted searches at more than 100 locations in various cities across Germany, […]