October 27, 2023

Norway Cracks Down on Gambling Advertising and Unlicensed Operators

Norway has intensified its efforts against unlicensed gambling, leading to advertising restrictions on TV. Subsequently, state regulator Lottstift directed the Norwegian monopoly gambling operators, Norsk Tipping and Norsk Rikstoto, to curtail their marketing expenditures. Adhering to the regulator’s order from last August, Norsk Tipping has cut down its advertising expenses by 20%, equivalent to NOK45m […]

October 27, 2023

Norway Targets Unlicensed Gambling with DNS Blockade Strategy

Seeking to fortify its stance against unlicensed gambling, Norway is pushing forward with a proposition to implement DNS (Domain Name System) blocking for such websites. The new legislation mandates internet service providers to initiate technical protocols, blocking access to specified websites, and rerouting users to a dedicated landing page explicating the cause of the blockade. […]

June 24, 2023

Norwegian Gambling Regulator Renews Order for Kindred to Cease Targeting the Country

Kindred’s Ongoing Battle Against Norway’s Monopoly Gambling System Ends in Legal Victory for Lottstift. Norway’s gambling regulator, Lottstift, has reiterated its call for Kindred to cease its operations in the Norwegian market indefinitely. This comes after Lottstift secured a significant legal victory in its dispute against Trannel International, a subsidiary of the Swedish gambling operator. […]