April 25, 2024

Debate Over Gambling Regulation Bill Intensifies in Ireland

Controversy in Dáil Éireann: The Debate Over Fundraising and the Gambling Regulation Bill in Ireland As Ireland stands at the cusp of enacting significant gambling reforms, a heated debate unfolds in Dáil Éireann. Legislators grapple with the Gambling Regulation Bill, focusing on its potential repercussions for community fundraising and charity events. Envision a regulatory framework […]

April 15, 2024

Over €2M Spent on Yet-to-Launch Irish Gambling Regulator

Navigating the High Stakes: Ireland’s Path to Gambling Regulation and the Cost of Delays A Crucial Transition in Irish Gambling Oversight—As Ireland stands on the cusp of implementing comprehensive gambling legislation, the formation of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland has sparked significant public and political interest. Despite not yet being operational, this new body […]