Brazil’s government plans to submit a proposal for the regulation of sports betting

In April, there were expectations for the regulation of sports betting through a provisional measure. Now that period has passed, and the government has announced that the regulation will be released in the upcoming days. On May 4th, Senator Jorge Kajuru announced that the government of President Luiz Lula da Silva will propose a regulation […]

May 7, 2023

An 2023 update of the gambling industry in Malaysia

Despite being a predominantly Muslim nation, Malaysia has a thriving economy and is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign investors due to its diverse population and advancements in technology. As such, there is still ample opportunity for the growth of the gambling sector. Malaysia’s laws regarding gambling Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country, allows various forms of […]

May 7, 2023

The Balearic Islands will be placing cautionary signs on their slot machines

To address the increasing gambling activity in the Balearic Islands, modifications will be made to slot machines, including the addition of warning signs and the removal of certain features that encourage prolonged play. This makes the Balearic Islands the first Spanish region to implement such changes. The warning signs will display questions about age and […]

The State Legislature in Nevada has rejected the bill that aimed to create an online poker blacklist

The proposed legislation in Carson City, Nevada, which aimed to mandate online poker platforms to disclose their list of banned individuals, has not been successful. Speaker Steve Yeager (D-Las Vegas) introduced Assembly Bill 380 in March, with input from local online poker player Sara Cholhagian Ralston. Ralston expressed the need to communicate to the Nevada […]

May 6, 2023

The Public Works Department is interested in looking into the deteriorating Saipan casino owned by IPI

The Saipan-based Imperial Palace Casino has not reopened and its operator, Imperial Pacific International (IPI), has faced numerous controversies that nearly led to the loss of its license. However, according to Mariana Variety, the casino’s closure for two years may have also caused significant damage to the property. Even if the court permits IPI to […]

Peru has revised its iGaming regulations to disallow anonymity

The Commission of Economy, Banks, Finance and Financial Intelligence has granted approval for the amendment of multiple law articles in Peru. One of the recently introduced regulations is related to the iGaming and online sports betting industry, which prohibits players from maintaining anonymity while playing. This move aims to curb financial fraud and potential tax […]

May 5, 2023

Crown Casino has been instructed by VGCCC to implement spending limits and identity verification measure

The Victorian gambling regulator, VGCCC, directed Crown Casino in Melbourne on May 4th to ensure that all electronic gaming machines in Victoria have visible play and expenditure limits. This directive must be implemented by December 2023. As an anti-money laundering measure, every electronic gaming machine at Crown Casino will now be linked to a patron’s […]