A player has filed a lawsuit against Sportsbet and Beteasy seeking compensation for losses amounting to AU$600,000

A mediation session has been set for October 27th in response to a lawsuit filed by an Australian man against two betting firms. The plaintiff alleges that Sportsbet and Beteasy actively encouraged his gambling behavior, leading to significant financial losses.

A man has initiated legal proceedings against Sportsbet and Beteasy, accusing the betting companies of knowingly encouraging his gambling habit despite being aware of his addiction.

Alexander Gassner has lodged a lawsuit in the Federal Court, alleging “unconscionable conduct” against Beteasy and Sportsbet, with the aim of recouping nearly AU$600,000 in losses incurred between August 2015 and June 2021. Gassner claims that both companies failed to provide any assistance or intervention despite being aware of his gambling addiction.

According to Gassner, Beteasy and Sportsbet did not inquire about his ability to handle losses or control his gambling behavior. Instead, he alleges that the firms actively promoted gambling to him and encouraged him to continue placing bets. In September 2020, Gassner switched from Beteasy to Sportsbet but continued to suffer substantial losses. He eventually suspended his Sportsbet account in June 2021 after depleting his savings and a portion of his business funds.

Gassner is seeking to recover over AU$485,000 lost through Beteasy and AU$121,000 lost through Sportsbet, in addition to interest and legal costs. A mediation session is scheduled for October 27, and the case will proceed in the Federal Court on November 3.

In a separate incident, Sportsbet was found to have violated industry advertising standards in May. Ad Standards, which oversees the resolution process for advertising self-regulation in Australia, ruled that one of their advertisements suggested that gambling could enhance attractiveness and lead to sexual success.

Furthermore, in 2019, the Australian gaming operator had to halt an advertising campaign for a new mobile sports betting app following regulatory rulings that deemed the campaign to be sexist.