Caixa Lotteries may allocate resources to associations that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities

Caixa Lotteries

During the debate, the suggestion to establish a dedicated raffle emerged. The Commission for the Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Chamber has approved the proposal, which aims to utilize resources from Mega-Sena for this purpose.

Representatives from organizations that support individuals with intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities have demanded increased allocation of resources for this population group in Brazil. The issue was discussed in a public hearing held by the Commission for the Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Chamber of Deputies, as reported by the Chamber of News Agency.

The discussion took place in the context of deliberations on Bill 1372/19, which proposes the establishment of the National Fund to Support Associations of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE). This initiative suggests allocating 0.5 percent of Mega-Sena prizes as resources for the fund.

Deputy Murillo Gouvea (União-RJ), the rapporteur of the proposal in the commission, expressed his belief that the collaboration between Caixa Lotteries and APAEs would yield positive outcomes for both parties.

“I have never played, but I am going to start playing, and many others will as well because it is a game that benefits families in need. Rest assured that Caixa will not lose anything; it will only enhance its games, and we will fight together,”

stated the deputy.

Currently, a portion of the funds generated through Mega Sena is allocated to Social Security, as well as to areas such as culture, sports, education, and citizen security.

Introduce a novel lottery

Rodrigo Takahashi, the Superintendent of Caixa Lotteries, emphasized the agency’s commitment to social inclusion and proposed the establishment of an exclusive contest for the benefit of APAEs. He mentioned that financing the National Support Fund for APAEs through the Mega-Sena lottery is feasible, but it is essential to strike a balance between Caixa’s revenue and the amount allocated to the institutions.

“We need to determine the break-even point for this lottery to ensure a significant and appealing collection that is sufficient to fulfill the lottery’s social purpose, which is social transfer,”

Takahashi stated.

He estimated that the impact of this law on Mega-Sena would amount to R$50 million (USD 10.0 million) in annual prize collections. “It may seem insignificant, but over the course of multiple draws, this can impact the overall collection,” he explained.

Elenice Martines, the representative of the APAE federation in Rio de Janeiro and a mother of three children with disabilities, emphasized the adverse consequences faced by individuals with disabilities and their families when the state fails to provide support that should be guaranteed.

“It was very challenging for me to have to give up everything because I knew that neither the institution nor the public network could provide the necessary care for my children. When we discuss family, we’re talking about abandonment, need, and chaos, which affects not only the person with a disability but also their relatives,”

she expressed.

Associations of Parents and Friends of People with Special Needs (APAEs) are organizations established to uphold the rights to citizenship and social inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities. APAEs comprise parents, friends, relatives, healthcare professionals, and volunteers. In Brazil, there are approximately 2,300 institutions spread across 25 states.