Dutch Finance Minister Marnix van Rij recently published an assessment of the government’s ownership of Nederlandse Loterij (NLO) on 24th May. The government conducts these evaluations every seven years for all state-owned assets. The focus of this evaluation was primarily on determining the status of both NLO and Holland Casino.
According to the evaluation report, Nederlandse Loterij (NLO) is deemed financially and organizationally prepared for privatization. The NLO itself expressed its support for this path, stating that state ownership does not provide additional value in terms of safeguarding public interests.
Casino Nieuws highlighted Finance Minister van Rij’s remarks in a letter to the legislature, emphasizing that the NLO views privatization as an opportunity for growth, requiring more freedom to pursue commercial activities and drive innovation in order to remain successful in the gambling market.
The evaluation report outlined a wide range of options for the future of the lottery, spanning from maintaining the current status to selling all or part of the company.
Additional investigation is required
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice and Security have announced that further exploration is required before committing to a specific course of action regarding the future of Nederlandse Loterij (NLO) and Holland Casino. They will conduct a joint evaluation to assess various aspects.
The evaluation will focus on determining the necessary adjustments to current legislation and regulations to facilitate the feasibility of privatization. Safeguarding public interests will be a crucial consideration in the decision-making process. Additionally, the ministries have requested an estimation of the financial implications associated with privatization.
No decision made for Holland Casino
The Ministry conducted a separate evaluation of Holland Casino, a state-owned gambling business, and determined that additional market development is necessary before making any decisions about its future.
Minister van Rij stated,
“No decision has been made yet regarding the exploration and future of Holland Casino. I have chosen not to initiate the exploration of alternative options at this time.”
However, the minister acknowledged that despite its imperfections, the current system of having two gambling companies with the state as a shareholder and a focus on public interest appeared to be functioning and stable.
“It is important to note that the current complex design of the market organization, where two gambling companies operate with the state as a shareholder and public interest as the primary focus, is functioning,”
the minister affirmed.