Justice Rejects Chaqueña Lottery Union’s Appeal, Clears the Way for Audit

In a significant legal ruling, the Third Criminal Chamber of the First Judicial District of the Province of Chaco, Argentina, has rejected the appeal filed by the Chaqueña Lottery Union.

This decision paves the way for the complete review of all administrative acts carried out by Lotería Chaqueña between September 18, 2023, and December 8, 2023.

The review, initiated by Lotería Chaqueña‘s new president, Lucas Apud Masín, has faced opposition from the union. However, the court’s decision upholds the president’s authority to proceed with the audit.

Legal Dispute Resolved

The Chaqueña Lottery Union had filed a precautionary measure challenging the review of administrative acts, citing concerns about the potential impact on its members’ careers and the stability of the Chaco Lottery’s employees. However, the court found that the union’s claims lacked specificity and did not demonstrate how the board’s resolution would harm their rights. The court emphasized that the union’s appeal had a generic purpose, making it challenging to assess the individual circumstances of its members.

Lucas Apud Masín, who assumed his role as president under the new governor Leandro Zdero, had identified the comprehensive review of his predecessor’s actions as a key objective. This audit aims to provide clarity on the utilization of funds and assess the suitability of current employees within Lotería Chaqueña.

Irregular Appointments Detected

The new management, led by Apud Masín, had already uncovered irregularities, including the irregular hiring of ten workers by Lotería Chaqueña shortly before the end of the previous governor’s term, Jorge Capitanich. This move had been executed through a decree signed in December 2023, creating positions within Lotería Chaqueña for the transfer of these employees from other state areas. The justification provided in the decree cited “reasons of services and the efficient performance of the agents.”

However, an audit report by the Court of Accounts determined that this hasty measure lacked legal support and should be annulled. The report also recommended initiating a reparation lawsuit against the officials responsible for authorizing the decree, citing damages to the state caused by the irregular hiring.

In summary, the legal ruling in favor of Lucas Apud Masín and Lotería Chaqueña’s audit signals a step forward in ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of the organization. It also highlights the importance of adhering to legal procedures in administrative actions.